4 Spring Roof Maintenance Tips To Protect your Home

Lake Oconee Boomers

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4 Spring Roof Maintenance Tips To Protect your Home

As most people know, spring is a season of beautiful flowers and greenery. But all too often, we forget about the first part of this equation—the showers that spur their growth. Despite the good that they do, rainstorms can still cause a lot of damage to your home because of the large quantity of water involved or even the harsh winds. As the first line of defense, your roof is at a particularly high risk. To protect your home from the worst of these elements, make sure you’re using these spring roof maintenance tips throughout the season.

Inspect Roofing Regularly

Firstly, make regular roof inspections a top priority. After all, damage can occur when you least expect it, and the last thing you want is for that revelation to come too late. Checking your roof for broken components following each severe rainstorm will allow you to catch issues early and prevent the development of leaks. Additionally, it’s best to have a professional look at your roof at least once every year.

Check Your Attic Insulation

But the roof itself isn’t the only thing you should be inspecting. Check the insulation just beneath it to ensure that you don’t currently have any leaks. Even if roof damage isn’t apparent on the surface, water can still squeeze through small gaps in the shingles and seep into your attic. Looking inside will allow you to discern if you have any immediate problems to address.

Clean and Repair Your Gutters

Another spring roof maintenance tip to keep in mind is to look after your home’s gutter system. While you may not consider them a part of the roof, these components are responsible for collecting excess rainwater and directing it away from the house. As such, they’re vital to preventing floods and reducing the amount of water pooling on the roof. There are also several other reasons why gutter maintenance is essential in the spring that you should consider.

Know When To Call Professionals

Most importantly, though, make sure that you know when it’s officially time to hire a professional to tackle your roof damage. Even the most skilled DIYers can’t handle something this large on their own, and you’ll want an experienced pair of hands in charge. This way, you’ll know that you’re getting the best possible results and that your home will be better off for it.