Are you interested in learning how to take care of your car in winter? There has to be a change in behavior from the summer to the winter months. Below, we’ll go over some top car maintenance tips for all your winter needs.
Check Your Lights
There will be less daylight on your commute home during the winter, so before it gets too chilly, check your headlights to ensure they’re the brightest they can be. If the bulb is out, fix it before winter begins, and if any snow is on the exterior of the light, remove it before you drive anywhere. You don’t want any obstructions for when those tough winter days hit.
Check Your Brakes
Cold weather alone doesn’t affect your brakes. However, a routine inspection couldn’t hurt. You need to ensure that your brakes are on the up and up. A thorough inspection can ensure you have the best performance when driving in certain weather conditions. This is the key to maintaining your car in the winter.
Switch to Winter Tires
It’s possible to use all-season tires during winter, but winter tires work better if you want maximum environmental performance. If you experience extremely cold winter temperatures, you should begin winterizing your car by installing winter tires—especially when the temperature stays around or below freezing. These temperatures can cause non-winter tires to harden, which ruins your ability to handle your car on the road. The last thing you want when driving is to slide on the ice.
Maintain Tire Pressure
Every 10 degrees of change could mean a gain or loss of 1 PSI. Refill your tires as needed to ensure your car is in tip-top shape. You don’t want to have poorly performing tires on a sleet-filled road. This could greatly affect your car’s steering capabilities.
In short, there are several ways to prepare your car for winter. These methods are just the tip of the iceberg. However, to ensure safe passage throughout the winter, you should heed the above tips. You’ll certainly be happy you did.