Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most people are not driving as much as before. Still, even small trips to the grocery store can build up wear on a vehicle. Cars are an essential machine to transport people from place to place, so it’s important to keep them maintained. Any car owner or driver must know these common car issues to look out for. Some of these may seem obvious, but there may be certain things you hadn’t considered when it comes to your vehicle’s integrity.
Dead Battery
One of the most common types of car issues pertains to the battery. Battery issues can cause serious disruptions to your vehicle, like failure to start and poor performance. Car batteries last on average three years or 50,000 miles. Still, if your battery dies or is dying, it can affect other components of your car like the alternator and battery temperature sensor. Even if you do not detect these issues, you should still replace your battery after three years or 50,000 miles to avoid any future issues.
It’s common knowledge that cars require a lot of fuel to function properly. This leads to more leaks or mishaps than expected. Keep a close eye on your fuel economy to detect a possible leak in your gas tank. Cars that burn more fuel than normal could indicate this issue. In this case, check under your car for any leakage. Get a mechanic to inspect your car immediately if you notice any. Another common leak to watch for is radiator fluid. Radiator leaks indicate a faulty radiator, which can overheat the car and possibly lead to an engine fire. It may make more sense to replace the entire radiator to avoid any more issues rather than just fix the leak.
Squeaking or Grinding Brakes
The brake system is an essential safety feature on any vehicle. It is critical to get any braking issues fixed immediately. One of the most common braking issues is when they wear out. Once vehicle brakes squeal, grind, or require more foot pressure, then this likely indicates a major issue. Have your brakes inspected to ensure safe and responsible driving for yourself and others.
Engine Failure
Lastly, there are many issues that could affect the engine. Engines perform best when air and fuel mix and burn in the combustion chamber. Different components ensure this process functions properly every time you drive. Engine issues can be as simple as replacing engine oil or fixing your turbocharger. While you can learn when to replace your engine oil from your owner’s manual, be cautious of rattling or other off-putting noises from your engine. Generally, this part of your car should be quiet, so any abnormal sound may indicate a larger issue.