Problems to Look for in an Older Home

Lake Oconee Boomers

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Problems to Look for in an Older Home

Older homes are some of the most aesthetically pleasing buildings today. Therefore, it’s no wonder many people want to live in one. However, there are many problems to look for in an older home that may require serious renovations. Be on the lookout for these issues before moving in or making any final purchase; the repair costs may outweigh your initial investment.


Termites love wood furnishings. Unfortunately for you, older homes commonly use wood as a base building material. Over time, termite exposure can ruin a home’s structure, including the floors, support beams, and drywall. Homeowners in southern climates face termite risk all year round, but they can infect almost any part of the U.S. except for the northernmost regions. You can spot termites in certain locations, like sagging floorboards, weak support beams, holes in drywall, or bubbling paint.


Similarly, mold poses a great health risk. Excess moisture develops into mold and mildew which trigger certain allergens in an environment. This pertains especially to wet climates, but mold can grow wherever moisture and humidity present themselves. Seeps and cracks in foundations can expose plumbing leaks throughout the structure. Keep in mind, uncontrolled mold and mildew grow exponentially. If you find some in an older home, treat it immediately. You’ll save yourself and your children from exposure which can trigger respiratory or immune disorders.

Plumbing and Electrical Issues

Mold can indicate overall plumbing issues. Outdated plumbing systems are prone to pipe failures that can flood the home. Water not only damages walls and floor, but it also creates extremely costly repairs. Serious water damage can even make your home uninhabitable. Additionally, electrical issues are also common problems to look for in an older home. Older homes often lack sufficient outlets, and the ones that are present are often outdated. The electrical wiring itself could pose a significant safety risk. As electrical wiring weakens, the risk of fires, shock, or power failure increases. When buying an older home, check the status of the plumbing and electrical units for further repair or any necessary upgrade.


Finally, asbestos is a naturally occurring hazardous material used as construction material before the 1980s. It was popular for home construction and insulation given its natural heat resistance and electrical insulation. By that time, the Environmental Protection Agency regarded asbestos as unsafe for human exposure as it can lead to asbestosis, cancer, mesothelioma, and other prolonged health issues. Today, new homes don’t use asbestos as a building material, but it’s still located in older attics, crawlspaces, basements, flooring, insulation, ceilings, and more. Whether you have asbestos in Boston or California, call a professional removal service to clear your home of the substance.