Another great blog post from Terry Kennedy…
Those who live, have visited or heard about The Villages know that this community on 23,000 acres and growing with over 91,000 residents, with 20 new homeowners a day is an absolutely amazing environment. Resident’s are encouraged to be involved with a healthy and active lifestyle in their community, as they have over 28 recreation centers, 62 swimming pools and 1,800 clubs. Oh, not to forget the 100s of holes of Golf.
My experience will confirm with a HUGE THUMBS UP that The Villages is not only America’s Friendliest Community and Healthiest Hometown in the the U.S.. They in fact have what I know will continue to be the standard for all future healthy active retirement developments. I say retirement reluctantly as you see quickly everyone moving, engaged and happy not sitting, isolated or depressed. Living Life Actively Aging should begin at birth and continue for everyone, right? Why Not? Remember – “We do not stop playing because we get old, we get old because we stop playing.”tk
Another inspiration I was very excited to learn about about is; a new partnership between the developer of The Villages, the University of South Florida and The Villages Health System which has been created to help Villages residents enjoy that optimum health. “Nothing is more important to a senior than his or her health,” said Gary Morse, developer of The Villages. “We’ve been searching for a creative, forward thinking university to work with local health care providers, study our community and bring us innovative ideas that will enhance the health of our retirees. We want to create America’s healthiest hometown.”
Harvey sorry I missed keeping you updated on the Retirement Community and its undoubted proven love of Balance Walking. Encore and Encore… . Here is a broadcast that went out to near to 100,000 people . And no need to ask, I am going by popular demand to hold 4 more days of 11 – 1 1/2 hour sessions for those with Balance, mobility challenges, those with desire to learn how, those whom want more training after previous sessions and most important the WALK n CONNECT days on Sat and Sun. This is where they will form their 1st Walking Groups in countless locations around the Villages.
Lake Oconee would be a fantastic place as well to Step up to get more out of Walking. May be a quick stop on the way down or back to The Villages would be a blast…. Give me a shout ; )