The art of gift-giving can prove difficult to master. Knowing when and how to give a gift may seem impossible. Fortunately, it’s much easier to remember the receiving side of the gift-giving equation, including the ever-important thank you note. Many people are uncertain of what to include in a card or letter of appreciation. Here are our favorite tips for writing a thank you note.
When To Write
One of the most important things to know about writing a thank you card is that you should write the card or letter immediately. If you wait, it runs the risk of coming off as insincere or even offensive. Any time you receive a gift, regardless of the occasion, you should send a thank you note to show your appreciation. You should also send thank you notes whenever someone does you a favor or shows generosity outside the call of duty.
What To Include
It’s also important to know what to include when expressing appreciation to someone. Our tips for writing a thank you note include expressing your gratitude for the specific gift or courtesy, mentioning optimism about future get-togethers, and closing by restating your thanks before signing your name at the bottom. Remember to use the preferred name and spellings for everyone in your note.
Writing Tips
There are several things you should do while writing the note to ensure the receiver understands your genuine appreciation. Using high-quality paper or a nice card is important, as is choosing your favorite pen to help ensure fewer mistakes in penmanship. Remember to keep the note brief but still include how you plan to use the gift, even if they gave you cash. Depending on your handwriting, you can write in print or in cursive, but you should always sign your name at the end.