
Online Advertising Rates

Lake Oconee Boomers (LOB), the region’s only online baby boomers publicationprovides meaningful, current information from a wide range of topics including finance, health and wellness, hobbies, technology, travel, and more.

With a highly targeted, affluent and powerful audience, LOB reports in-depth on key trends, issues, and people impacting the senior community in Lake Oconee.

Since our launch in 2011, we’ve posted over 600 articles. Through our sister publication’s social media channels (Lake Oconee Health Facebook PageLake Oconee Health Facebook GroupInstagramTwitterHarvey Kart’s Personal Facebook Page, and Harvey Kart’s LinkedIn), we reach over 6,100 connections.

By advertising with us, you can increase your brand’s visibility through a customized approach that includes both advertising and editorial efforts.

Here’s how we can help:

  • Post your content (bylined articles, press releases, etc.) and/or ad on our website (4,000 average monthly visitors)
  • Promote your article and/or ad in our weekly email blast (every Monday morning—1,800 email subscribers)
  • Share your content across our social media channels weekly (over 6,100 connections collectively)
  • Create a dossier that you will fill out and we will post online

Advertising Rates

$195—12 months in our online directory
$295—One month of online advertising
$595—3 months of online advertising
$995—6 months of online advertising
$1,795—12 months of online advertising
Sidebar Ad—contact us for the rates

Contact Us

For more information, you can contact Harvey Kart at or text 412.897.1006; or Daniel Casciato at or text 412.607.9808.

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