Steve Kilgore, a seasoned business coach with The Entrepreneur’s Source (TES) has been awarded the ‘Business Coaching Excellence Award’ presented recently at the FranchisEsource Brands International annual Conference. This is the second year in a row for Steve to win this outstanding award.
This award was presented to Steve Kilgore for making the greatest progress in the expansion of his business coaching practice. This includes marketing and business development activities, business-to-business and business coaching placements engagements, as well as excellence in delivering those services.
“Steve is a leader in business coaching and has had great success in not only helping aspiring business find a franchise investment, but also for partnering with existing business providing awareness, education and accountability to his clients,” says Brian Miller, COO and president of FSBI. FSBI is a multi-brand Business Coaching franchisor with high-performance brands dedicated to the advancement of the entrepreneur and those who aspire to be one.
Steve currently serves as Chairman of the Greene County Chamber of Commerce; is a board member of Better Hometown Greensboro and the Downtown Development Authority; is an active member of Lakeside Church in Greensboro, serves as Vice Chairman of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and was a past President of Leadership Greene.
“I am a pro-business, business coach,” says Steve Kilgore. “I believe this is a great time to be an entrepreneur or to consider business ownership. For me, it is very rewarding to work with business owners helping them experience very positive growth in their businesses. Is business really bad out there? Not if you do it right,” he added.
As a TES Business Coach, Steve develops possibilities profiles for his clients that help them define their lifestyle, desires, and dreams and then have them explore business models that have the potential to meet their client’s goals, needs and expectations. He also partners with the small business community as a business coach in support of the growth of their businesses. For the over 25 years, TES has been of service to individuals seeking the entrepreneurial dream of business ownership.
During that time, TES franchise business coaches like Steve Kilgore have helped tens of thousands of individuals become franchise business owners while achieving financial freedom through Income, Lifestyle, Wealth and Equity.
Today, FSBI’s Coaching brands dominate the $1.5 billion dollar Business Coaching/Franchise Consulting market with 33 percent market share in North America.