Stumbling Through the Sixties

The Lake Oconee Boomers Team

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Former professor and neophyte scribe Howard Flomberg’s Stumbling Through the Sixties is a memoir covering the author’s childhood, young adulthood and experiences and involvement in the Civil Rights Movement and serving in Southeast Asia with the Air Force.

Living through the best and the worst of life as he ‘stumbled through the sixties,’ Flomberg started his trip through life as a physically abused child.  But he persevered – his involvement with civil rights prompted him to join the folk movement in Greenwich Village, New York City and eventually wound up defending his life in Southeast Asia.

Throughout his story, Flomberg vividly describes:

  • “War and Peace” in the 1960s revolution
  • The Civil Right Movement
  • Physical abuse by his step-father and choosing not to play the victim
  • Being Jewish and serving in the military
  • Continued abuse upon returning from Southeast Asia at the hands of friends, family and society

Surviving and persevering, Stumbling Through the Sixties is Flomberg’s personal journey of being bullied as a kid and not standing up for himself, turning it around to help others and living a life paralyzed – not from war, but being on the wrong side of a pedestrian/automobile accident upon returning home.

“This book is about survival,” says Flomberg.  “While this conversationally written book is an easy read it does have its gut-wrenching moments.”

While serving in the Air Force, Howard Flomberg received extensive training in computers.  After serving a four-year hitch, he has both a B.S. in Management Science and an M.S. in Computer Science/ Information Systems.  He had a career in Information Systems that spanned over 30 years.  Flomberg had project responsibility as a consultant for companies that included IBM, GM, ARCO and Anaconda Minerals.  To promote his own mental health he taught courses in both the Computer Information Systems and Management Decision Theory since 1978. He has written two books for these courses and one of these, Management Decision Theory, Managing Pragmatically is going into its second edition.  Flomberg retired from industry about 6 years ago and now he just concentrates on writing and teaching.

For more information on Howard Flomberg, please visit